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Psychological diagnosis

What is a psychological diagnosis?

Psychological diagnosis is a process whose aim is to identify and describe the difficulties reported by the client, using various diagnostic techniques such as interviews, tests, questionnaires or descriptions.

The diagnosis takes into account the broad context of factors and circumstances that can be identified as the probable cause of problems.

How is the diagnosis done?

The purpose of psychological diagnosis is to develop (so-called conceptualization) difficulties, discuss the proposed diagnosis and provide suggestions for further action.  It is usually a series of several (2-4) meetings with a psychologist. The first meeting is usually used to collect an interview - before this meeting, it is good to remember what the problem is, how long it has been, whether there have been attempts to deal with it. The next meeting or meetings usually involve the use of individually selected diagnostic tools. The last meeting is a discussion of the results obtained in the study and the resulting conclusions regarding further proceedings.

The course of the diagnostic process

1. First meeting - interview and diagnostic consultation - PLN 200

2. Subsequent meetings - conducting tests

  • Organic test (cognitive functions) - 1h - PLN 250

  • IQ test - 2 h - PLN 500

  • Dyslexia and dyscalculia - 1 h - PLN 400

  • ADHD, ADD diagnosis - 3 visits - PLN 700

  • ODD - 3 visits - PLN 700

  • Diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome - 3/4 visit - 1200 PLN

  • MMPI-2 test - first visit - interview, second and third visit - test PLN 800

3. Last meeting - recommendations and discussion of results - PLN 250

4. Preparation of a written psychological opinion (for school/university/workplace/court) - PLN 250


Gabriela Gamrowska

diagnostic psychologist

He deals with psychological help and diagnosis. She has practiced at the CSK UMED in Łódź in the day ward of affective and psychotic disorders for adults, Synapsis Clinic in Warsaw and at the Hospital. M. Kopernika in Lodz in the department of gynecological oncology. 

Co dalej?

Jeśli otrzymałeś/aś diagnozę (lub diagnozę otrzymało Twoje dziecko) warto umówić się na spotkania z psychologiem lub coachem, które pomogą w radzeniu sobie z trudnościami związanymi z daną diagnozą. Możesz również zapisać się do grypy rozwojowej odpowiedniej dla Ciebie.

Podczas takich spotkań omawiane są:

  • pomocne sposoby radzenia sobie z typowymi trudnościami

  • emocje związane z pojawianiem się codziennych wyzwań

  • trudności w relacjach z bliskimi spowodowane diagnozą

  • wchodzenie w relacje z równieśnikami 

  • sposoby lepszego regulowania własnych emocji

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