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An online visit is a form of therapy that offers adjustment to the lifestyle or the individual possibilities and preferences of the customer.  This solution brings a possibility of reaching out to people in need of support and help who, for many different reasons cannot or do not want to participate in stationary therapy.  The same as in the case of traditional therapy - the most important thing is the relationship with the client and his well-being . 

Online therapy effectiveness ​

Online therapy in its assumptions and operation do not differ from stationary therapy. It enables the client to talk to the therapist from anywhere in the world via a communicator such as Skype or Zoom. Numerous studies show that online therapy is as effective as traditional, and customers believe it as practical and effective  (Barak, Hen, Boniel-Nissim & Shapira, 2008).

The biggest advantages of online therapy:

  • availability - there are no restrictions when it comes to  place, all you need is access to Internet

  • comfort - the customer can choose any environment that is safe for himself

  • flexibility - more choice and adjusting the term of therapy to your own opportunities and needs 

  • ease - does not require any complicated applications or paid platforms, all you need is a web browser 

  • security - modern video chats are equipped with constantly improved encryption technology and guarantee the security of the customer's data

How is online therapy performed?

The therapy consists in  video-conversation   with a psychotherapist and a joint search for solutions most appropriate in a given situation. The psychotherapist helps in determining what has been effective so far and allowed the client to cope with problems and what solutions could work in the future. During the therapy, the goal that the client wants to pursue is determined, and the psychotherapist helps achieve this goal for the client.


How to prepare for an online psychotherapy session?  


Most importantly, check your internet connection, microphone, and speakers. It is also worth taking care of a comfortable, quiet and  safe   place for us. In the context of the upcoming visit, you can consider what you would like to change, what the situation should look like if everything worked out. You can also take notes, arrange everything in points, or write it down completely chaotically. You can think about your emotions and the feelings that accompany you, or your thoughts about the situation.

You can learn more about the effectiveness of online therapy here:

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